Our no-code solutions make IT-development smarter, faster, affordable and controllable.

Recognize any of these problems?

Your IT is too rigid, hindering the further development of your business?

Are you looking for a new IT solution, but are you shocked by the costs?

Your IT landscape consists of various, extremely intertwined applications, making adjustments almost impossible?

Then PIM is ready to help you out! With PIM’s no-code solutions, your IT-development will become smarter, faster, affordable and controllable.

Benefits of no-code application development

90% savings on development time

IT solutions remain easily adaptable after deployment

Easy integration with support for all common standards

The no-code revolution

The advent of no-code application development has caused a landslide in the IT world. IT development is now fundamentally faster and therefore much cheaper. Where in the past, due to costs, people quickly turned to common of the shelf solutions – never fitting your business needs fully – no-code application development increasingly makes developing custom software the better choice. Affordable software that does exactly what your business needs and easily grows with the development of your business.

While until recently no-code platforms were very limited and often aimed at specific types of applications, the state-of-the-art no-code platforms are now all-round and suitable for the development of almost every conceivable application!

In addition, no-code application development requires much less specific IT knowledge. In these times of major shortages of specialized IT professionals, this is an important additional advantage. Content experts with some basic IT skills can quickly realize complex applications independently.

PIM is your partner in this no-code revolution. We train your employees and build the first applications together with them to give them a flying start. Or we execute application development for you, allowing you to fully focus on the development of your business.

Our services

No-code application development

Training and support



A project in mind or interested to get more information? Please contact us via: 

Molenweg 53A, 3708 SJ, Zeist

Or fill in the contact form below.

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